Solar Heating Systems

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Cape Town

Western Cape


Tel: 021 911 2288

Jon Futeran 
(Member) Cape CC

Dear Rudi

I would like to express my appreciation as to the service I received from your company. Gerrie and his team did a pool solar installation for me on Monday, the 12th, from the time he came to see me, to quote after hours, to the appointment for installation, to the installation itself he was professional, courteous and a pleasure to deal with. Great job. I will recommend you with confidence.

Have a great Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you and all your staff.

Yours truly

 Jon Futeran


Mr. Dave Alhadeff
Cape Town

I feel it is very important to send you this quick fax in appreciation of what can only be deemed service excellence. 

It is so seldom in the swimming pool industry that one gets the kind of service that you gave us. Living in the shade of the mountain in Rondebosch our swimming pool was more of an ornament in the garden than an item our family could get pleasure from. 

Within 4 days of installation the temperature has gone from between 18 - 20 degrees before heating to an incredible 30 - 32 degrees. We have been swimming virtually every day and I even jump into the water when I get home from work in the evening. 

I have great pleasure in recommending your company to two of my closest friends who I am confident will make contact with you in the near future and should any prospective clients want to see the type of work you do feel free to bring them to our home. 

Once again my sincere appreciation for an excellent job and I wish you all the success you deserve in the future. 

Best regards 

Dave Alhadeff


Mnr. C. Volschenk

Rudi ,

Ek wil graag jou en jou firma bedank vir die uiters professionele installasie van my 'Solar Verhitting Stelsel'. Met water temperatuur van 19°C voor en 32°C na die installasie, is my swembad nou 'n bate en 'n plesier. 

As jy enige kliënt het wat twyfel oor jou produk, kan hulle my gerus skakel. Nogmaals dankie dat jy my oortuig het om te belê in jou produk. 




Mr. Franco Rapaglia'
Sea Point
Cape Town

Gentile sig. Rudi Bezuidenhout, 

oggetto : istallazione di un sistema di riscaldamento dell piscina con pannelli solari. 

Con la presente lettera desidero informavi che, dopo accurato collaudo dell' istallazione del sistema di riscaldamento a margine eseguito dalla ditta SOLNET, abbiamo accertato che l' impianto e' perfettamente funzionante e quindi siamo lieti di comuncarvi la nostra piena soddisfazione per l' opera da vol realizzata. 

Ci scusiamo per il ritardo nell' invio della presente lettera, ma le condizioni avverse del tempo non ci avevano permesso di verifiace, con certezza, il reale aumento della temperatura dell' acqua della piscina, e solo in questi utimi due giorni di sole, abbiamo potuto costatare che il nostro termometro d' acqua ha indicato la temperatura di 23° 30. 

Vi ringraziamo per l' aperta collaborazione e vi informiamo che non manchereremo d' interpellarvi per eventuali altri lavori di vostra competenza. 

Vogliate gradire l nostri piu' cordiali saluti. 

Franco Rapaglia'


Herr Dieter Gerstl 
Somerset West
Cape Town

Lieber Herr Bezuidenhout, 

Ich am 3.12.1998 haben Sie die Installation einer Solar-Heizung für meinen Swimming-Pool durchgeführt. 

Seit dieser Zeit arbeitet die Solarheizung einwandfrei und zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit. 

Nochmals loben möchte ich Ihre fachmännische Beratung und die Ausarbeitung aller Installations-Detail sowie die Berechnung der notwendigen Paneele. 

Besonders betonen möchte ich die pünktliche, termingerechte Installation, die von Ihrem Fach-Personal zuverlässig, schell und sauber ausgeführt wurde. 

Preisvergleiche mit Ihren Konkurrenten zeigten mir, daß Sie eine sehr gute Leistung zu einem äusserst fairen Preis bieten. Ich würde jederzeit wieder Sie und Ihre Firma als Lieferant und Installateur meiner Pool-Solarheizung wählen. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Dieter Gerstl.

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10 Hannes Louw Drive | De Tijger | Parow | Cape Town | Western Cape | 7500 | Tel : 021 911  2288 | |