Heat Pump Installations
Heat pumps also can be used in today's spiralling electricity costs, as it can be run quite cost effectly, this method helps swimming schools, guest houses, hotels, etc. to enjoy a heated swimming pool, all year round.
As the pool pump circulates the water drawn from the pool, water passes through a filter. The heat pump motor has a revolving fan that sucks in the outside air and directs it over the evaporator coil. Fluid refrigerant inside the evaporator coil soaks up the heat from the outside air and it becomes a gas.The moderately hot gas in the coil then passes through the compressor.
The compressor rises the heat, conceiving a very hot gas that then passes through the condenser. The warmed water then comes back to the pool. The warm gas, flows through the condenser coil, then returns to fluid and are sent back to the evaporator, where the entire process starts again.
The unit will be placed close to the filtration system on the outside of the building as it must be exposed to the atmosphere.
You can easily control the temperature of the water in the swimming pool without worrying about exorbitant electricity sypply and/or bills.
The overall running cost of heat pumps is 65 - 80% less than those of a convential heater. {If sized correctly} you could select the temperature of the water in the pool and the system will maintain the selected water temperature.
Set the temperature to your preference and swim comfortably all year round.